Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Protect Your Kids- End The Two-Party Sytem

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What Government Could Do:

Education: in 2007 we spent $488 billion on public schools (pre-kindergarten to 12th grade) & yet over 60% of 12th graders can't read or write at the proficiency level, 1 out of every 5 adults can't read or write at all. When Republican & Democratic politicians couldn't stuff all of our kids into schools built over half a century ago they made school year-round & we now have gangs, drugs, teen-pregnancy, low-education levels, & even prostitution on some public schools, not to mention school massacres.

Lets agree not to live like this anymore, lets make our schools safe, our food supply safe, our neighborhoods safe, our jobs/pensions safe, our roads/bridges & dams safe, our country safe again.

Because no amount of government spin like "no child left behind" can save this out-of-date & over-crowded system. We need new modern class rooms, any child who falls behind should be assigned a tutor & a counselor because your child should not have to be the star quarter back to recieve star treatment at school. Todays schhols are like rotary phones, we need new modern schools that prepare our kids for the future. With class sizes of no more than 25 kids, with computers in every class with printable work assignments so books stay in the class-room instead of on our kids backs. While new schools are being built we need to protect our children now by having a police officer & police dog on every campus that can sniff out weapons, guns, drugs or bombs, so that we create a safe environment where kids can learn & not feel threatened by gangs, drug-dealers or random violence.
The only way to bridge the gap between the rich & the poor is to make college mandatory. How many people with college degrees are homeless, illiterate, incarcerated or even out of work? For anyone that cannot afford college, the government could increase its grant programs that cover books, tuition, room & board & day-care & are paid back after graduation. How do we pay for it? It is cheaper to send someone to college & have them become working, tax paying citizens than what it cost to send someone to prison for 25 to life. We need a government that is concerned with building schools, roads, & hospitals not just stadiums, bombs & militarizing space. Tax dollars spent on schools are an investment that keeps giving for years to come, as is money spent on roads & hospitals.

Drugs: we have spent trillions of dollars in a failed drug war started by Nixon, drug abuse is a national epidemic 11.7 million Americans in 2004 used illegal drugs, & 1.5 million Americans are arrested each year for drug-law violations. Homeland Security is a waste of tax-payer money when someone with T.B. can sneak across the Canadian border at a check-point & tons of herion, cocaine, marijuana & 12 to 20 million people come across our southern border, illegally. American tax-payers spend billions of dollars a year fighting drugs in Columbia, every year it doesn't work & every year we do the same thing.
First, many parks are over run by gangs that use them to deal drugs & conduct other gang activity, every mall has a police sub-station why not parks, do politicians only care about property? Lets make our neighborhoods safe again. We can end the making of crystal/ crank/ methamphetamine whatever you want to call it by making it's active ingredient Sudafed/Contact available by prescription only & stop all foreign shipments. Lastly, our military should protect us, our Navy & Coast Guard should be on our shores to stop drugs, human-trafficking & terrorist. The Army & National Guard should be on our borders to stop this obscene flow of drugs & human-trafficking that goes on daily. For more on drugs see Crime below.

Would you allow Osama Bin Laden to stalk, kidnap, rape, sodomize & murder our children? Then why do we allow pedophiles back into society when the typical pedophile will molest 100 children in their life times.

Pedophiles: we need a national F.B.I. hotline like 911 to report pedophiles & police misconduct, equipped with an emergency response team that knows how to collect evidence, preserve a crime scene, & knows how to interview & counsel children so the cases aren't thrown out of court. Many children like Megan would still be alive today if we just prevented repeat offenders. As we have seen time & time again even priest won't stop when they are caught, so why would you ever release someone who stalks, kidnaps, rapes & murders children, into a free society? I never supported the death penalty because too many people on death-row were later proven innocent by DNA evidence, but when someone is caught in the act or DNA evidence matches them to molesting/raping children why would you want to keep such a person alive? Politicians claim that the death penalty is a deterrent-it is not because at the time of public crucifixions crime still ran rampant. But the death penalty would stop all repeat offenders. The MSNBC show To Catch A Predator & the on-line watchdog group Perverted Justice & the police who have teamed up with them have been doing a great job in prevention. Perverted Justice are volunteers, nobody wants to do this kinda stuff in their spare time but politicians aren't doing their jobs!

Healthcare: I did not know this when I started writing this but did you know that type 2 diabetes, heart-attacks, 40% of all cancers & strokes can be prevented? Not only can we prevent the nations deadliest killers but we actually save eight dollars for every dollar spent on prevention. We can save thousands of lives & millions of dollars a year & then our ERs will not be over-crowded, our doctors over-worked & our hospitals under-staffed. And yet not one Presidential candidate addresses Americas real healthcare problem. America ranks 42nd in life expectancy worldwide, America is in a disease epidemic that is not only ignored by the Republican & Democratic politicians but was created by the nations Farm bill of the last 50 years. We currently are giving billions of dollars every year in corporate welfare, subsidies, etc. to multi-national corporations & corporate farmers that produce unhealthy foods.
First, some foods could carry a warning label & be taxed like tobacco because they are killing more people than cigarettes. Second, we could be giving those same price supports to producers of healthy & organic foods so that the prices on healthy foods will become affordable just like unhealthy foods are today.
Here's some facts:
*$135 billion dollars are spent each year treating cardiovascular disease.
*Every 25 seconds, an American has a heart-attack.
*Every 45 seconds, an American dies from a heart-attack.
*Risk of death by heart-attack for average American male: 31%.
*32% of all heart-attacks could be prevented by something as simple as taking aspirin daily. (Plavix can also prevent a heart-attack but check with your doctor before starting any new treatments).
*Amount per year treating cancer: $70 billion.
*Proportion of cancers that are diet related: 40%.
Disease is not just treatable, it is preventable & for every dollar spent towards prevention eight are saved!

Illegal Immigration: the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 is a great example of why you cannot trust the right or the left. Ted Kennedy & George Bush among others tried to legalize human-trafficking. Tyson Foods was convicted of transporting undocumented workers throughout the U.S. to work in their meat-packing plants. This legislation was wrote by big-businesses & their lobbyist to help them get around current U.S. law, subvert the Constitution & make legal what is now illegal (think wire-tapping/torture) at the cost of this nations security. This is a human-trafficking problem & businesses that participate in human-trafficking should be prosecuted, as should politicians that weaken this nations security for a campaign contribution. (Senators John McCain & Hillary Clinton both support/ voted in favor for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act).

Crime: we lock up more of our own citizens than any other country on the planet & have been doing so for decades at a cost of billions of dollars every year & yet we're still not safe, not even in our own homes. We spend billions of dollars a year housing/locking-up criminals in this country but it is all spent on incarcerating people in over-crowded, out-of-date prisons. We stack criminals in one on top of the other, we give them no other reality & then turn them loose expecting them to be able to find work & a residence with a criminal past & no support system. Then we act confused by the recidivism rates. California's Prop. 36 was meant to ease over-crowding in California's out-of-date prison system, they release non-violent drug offenders into drug rehab programs but it doesn't stop or even slow down the recidivism rate because drug rehab by itself is a waste of tax-payer money. People do not do drugs for the fun of it, people do drugs because they have problems & only when those other problems are addressed in conjuction with drug rehab is there success. County jails are warehousing mental patients instead of spending those resources on fighting crime, gangs & drugs & why? Because the federal government stopped funding mental health 20 years ago, creating homelessness, over-crowded county jails & now school massacres.
First, parks could have police sub-stations to drive out gang activity & drugs. Methamphetamine manufacturing can be stopped over-night by controlling the amount of Contact/Sudafed- its active ingredient, that's allowed on the market. Making college mandatory will prevent crime & bridge the gap between the rich & the poor, making the American dream a reality for all Americans. Putting the U.S. military on our shores & borders will stop this obscene flow of drugs coming into our country. Job training & placement for current prisoners scheduled for release & make work mandatory as part of parole/probation to stop recidivism. Digital medical records will stop multiple scripts for pain meds like Vicodin to the same patient, ending abuse & street sales of prescription drugs. Medical marijuana scripts need dosing amounts to stop illegal sales.

Our Justice System: those that can afford it can challenge DNA evidence, how it was collected, where, etc. but for those that can't, do you think that a Public Defender has the time or the resources to challenge any of the Prosecutors expert witnesses? And then you have over-zealous prosecutors like Mike Nifong. We must end mandatory sentencing laws, judges that can't be trusted should be voted out. There should be no politically appointed judges or life-time appointments. We must protect our children & stop releasing child molesters back into society where they can rape, sodomize & murder our kids.

Lets agree not to live like this anymore.

Lets make our kids safe, our neighborhoods safe, our schools safe, lets make our country safe again.
This country has always had its problems & its challenges, we have always faced them & overcame them. Americas problems affect all of us- rich or poor, black or white, male & female, democrat & republican & so we must overcome this together, to invest in prevention to end strokes, heart-attacks, crime, drugs, gangs, repeat child molesters, illiteracy, type 2 diabetes, etc., etc. And we can end all of that today. Lets vote out pork & ear-marks, lets Vote Strike the Republican & Democratic parties out & create political parties that work on our interest because having less crime, less sickness, & a more educated & healthier work force is in the national interest.

To the police, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., armed forces, & other members of the government- your duty is not to the federal government but to the will & the safety of the people. Politicians of both parties needlessly jeopardize your lives daily. In the case of the police they are now riding one to a car while complaining of being out-gunned by gang bangers & drug dealers. This makes no sense & we should not allow our government to jeopardize your lives when you put it on the line for us daily. We have a national secretaries day but no police or firemans day, why? We must never again send our sons & daughters into battle without first properly equipping them & preparing the V.A. hospitals. The C.I.A. should be fighting Al Qaeda not the Army or the Marines, the C.I.A. are trained in this type of warfare & we'd save thousands of lives & billions of dollars. We also know that Al Qaeda/ Osama Bin Laden are operating out of Pakistan, our military (Army/Marines) can't enter Pakistan, but the C.I.A. operated inside Pakistan from 1979 to 1989, so not only are they trained in this type of warfare, they also know the terrain & can go where Osama Bin Laden really is.

How long will you accept this dereliction of duty on the part of all of our elected officials?

Even big-businesses are not happy with the direction of our country. The CEO of Shell Oil Co. recently blasted George Bush for not signing tougher restrictions on green-house gases, saying that Shell was prepared to follow those requirements. The head of Apple Computers needs more educated workers & has condemned our school system as woefully inadequate. So if we work together we can create a healthier better educated work force, a safer environment & a better standard of living.

Earlier I said that 4 more years of the Republican or the Democratic parties would bring about the end of life as we know it, I do not believe that is an exaggeration because had someone told us in the 1950s that we'd have drugs, gangs, graffiti, drop-outs, rampant disease, etc. no one would have believed them. We do not have to live like this, we can make things better, lets make our country safe again, lets make America #1 again, by holding a one day strike to end the two-party system. Thanks for your time & hopefully your support.

FOR MORE INFO VISIT: votestrike.com

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

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What is a national Vote Strike?
It is you withdrawing your consent to be governed by the inept & corrupt Republican & Democratic parties.
This blog was created for you, the voters, because whichever party you belong to they have failed you.
Vote Strike does not support any candidates or political parties. Vote Strikes goals are 1. end corporate control of our politicians by 2. ending the two-party system & by 3. making all elections publicly funded.
Our two main political parties promise everything & deliver nothing. Their slogan should be "Pay more - expect Less". Our roads, bridges, dams, health, schools, jobs, borders, deficits, etc. can not survive another 4 years of a Republican or Democrat in the White House. We need real change & we need it now! The kind of change that can only come from new parties & publicly funded elections.
1. Publicly funded elections: voters in Arizona & Maine approved "Clean Elections" laws in the late 1990s, ...allowing candidates to recieve full public funding for their campaigns. The goal of these systems is to give more average citizens a political voice & allow them to forgo private fund-raising & it's negative associations with special interest groups...
Maine & Arizona had a chance to test their systems in 2002, proving that candidates can run successful campaigns on full public spending. In that year, 39 of Arizona's elected candidates were "clean" - 22 Rerpublicans & 17 Democrats. ...The state's voter turnout went up by 10%. In Maine, three-quarters of the state Senate & half of the state House are elected officials who recieved public funding. (For more info on "clean elections" clink the Resources link).
2. End the two-party system: hold a one day national Vote Strike on election day. Run the crooks (PACs, lobbyist, Republicans & Democrats) out of town. America is a democracy which is majority rule so why do we allow fringe groups & corporate lobbyist to run our country??? If less than 50% of registered voters turn out for the Republican & Democratic general election it will be null & void. Anyone who participates in this election will still be able to vote in the special election held the following day. Special election see #4.
3. Multi-party publicly funded elections: We need at least 5 new political parties. We need a real Labor party that can stand up to China & corporate lobbyist, repeal NAFTA & protect American jobs before we're all outsourced or down-sized. We need a real Social Conservative party that will only run candidates who stand for their beliefs. We need an Energy party to wean us from an out-of-date energy supply. We need an Education party because having a nation of dummies/drop-outs that are unprepaired for a hi-tech workplace is just plain stupid. We may need a Peace party to even out the effects of the military industrial complex. And the Republicans & Democrats should merge & call themselves the Tax & Spend party.
4. Hold a special election (the day after election day) to replace the out-going administration. Special elections are generally called when a congressmen or senator dies mid-term. This special election would be for the death of the Republican & the Democratic parties. Every ballot would have "none of the above" as an option.

We the people (the voters) find ourselves in a very difficult position. Local governments are forced to do the job of the federal government. From natural disaster relief, border security, rampant illegal immigration, food safety, inadequate bridges, dams & hiways, disease epidemic, drug epidemic, mental health care crises, some local governments are even combating global warming because the federal government isn't doing its job! The problems are endless, some states are facing a drinking water shortage, drop-outs & low education levels are problems that just keep right on giving. Causing a financial burden on local governments so that even local services have to be cut.
We the people (the voters) replaced/kicked-voted out the top tier of the government & yet the crooks and the thugs are still there, still in power, as brutal as ever.
Before we gave a majority to the Democrats in both houses pork & ear-marks were out-of-control. Democrats promising to clean it up were elected. And yet pork & ear-marks are still out-of-control. This year (2007), members of the house of Representatives wrote at least $4.2 billion in earmarks. The same is true across the board, wether you voted in a Democrat or a Republican they have failed you. And now we are being asked to pick between a Republican or a Democrat as our next president.
Which brings us back to: we the people (the voters) find ourselves in a very difficult position.
Because politicians act like the big three auto makers did in the 70s, they could care less about the (consumers) voters because they know that you have no real choices. You will pick Republican, Democrat or throw your vote away on a third-party candidate.
So how can we change this?
It's like the shell game. Corporations & special interest groups by means of lobbyist, PACs, soft money etc. have turned voting into the new shell game. We pick Republican, Democrat or Independent (third-party), but it doesn't matter which party or candidate you vote for because they have almost the same financial backers. And regardless who gets elected there are lobbyist bribing whichever party takes office.
Which brings us back to: we the people (the voters) find ourselves in a very difficult position. Most people after losing enough money (we're at 9 trillion dollars so far) walk away from the shell game, realizing that it's a con.
But we're in a difficult position because we can't just walk away from the voting booth, no matter how rigged it is.
Or can we? What if we could use the election cycle to remove the Republicans & Democrats from national office.
America is a democracy which is majority rule so why do we allow fringe groups & corporate lobbyist to run our country?
Americas first hundred years we had a king which is a one party system. Over 200 years of independence & we now have a two party system that we call a democracy. While other democracies around the world have 5 or more political parties guaranteeing a wider range of economic, socio., political, & environmental agendas/choices.
Why is it that Germany which is smaller in size than Texas has 5 political parties while we only have 1 1/2 (political parties).
Suppose you were on the Titanic & you were up on deck & looking out you saw a huge iceberg in your path. And you call up the Captain & you point out the iceberg but the Captain says don't worry your on the Titanic, you've got nothing to fear. Should you do nothing & hope for the best? Or should you throw the Captain overboard & steer the ship to safety?
It was the founding fathers belief that to self govern was a God given right. That we loan those rights to the government. And therefore it was we the people (the voters) who held power & it was on loan. And when that government became useless or abusive it was the duty of the people to take that power back. Not just through the ballot box but through the first & second amendments.
Our two main political parties promise everything & deliver nothing. Our roads, bridges, dams, health, schools, jobs, borders, deficits, etc. can not survive 4 more years of the Republican & Democratic parties. We need real change & we need it now. The kind of change that can only happen through new political parties & publicly funded elections. It is time to throw the Captains of both parties overboard & steer the country to safety.
We the peolpe have shed blood for this democracy, not for PACs, lobbyist, pork/ear-marks, mansions, limos, private jets & stacks of cash hidden in the freezer! This is not what the founding fathers fought & died for. They put many checks & balances into our system because they understood the dangers as well as the benefits of a democracy.
A national Vote Strike is a one day strike to shut down/remove the two national parties. It does not forfiet our rights. Because the next day, we the people (the voters) will re-open the polls to hold a special election to replace the out-going administration. All of our local governments as well as the Constitution would stay the same.
Strikes are called for a variety of reasons but the goal is always the same: to raise our standard of living. There is a simple reason why government has failed: politicians are forced to raise large sums of money & sometimes that money comes from over-seas corporations/governments (China/Saudi Arabia) & sometimes from domestic corporations (Western Union/Tyson Foods/Haliburton) whose sole concern is their bottom line, which sometimes conflicts with our best interest.
We the people (the voters) are a branch of democracy given checks & balances to right the abuses of power. Term-limits & campaign finance reform have not worked. America has been hijacked by privilege & special interest. You must work harder (Americans worker productivity up) for a lower pay (while actual wages declined) that is your job in the new global economy. When the founding fathers wrote the first & second amendments their intent was for we the people, the citizens/voters to protect this democracy at all cost. Not from foriegn invasion but from our own government.
How can a national Vote Strike save our democracy? For more visit: votestrike.com

Vote Strike does not support any candidates or political parties. Vote Strikes goals are: 1. end the two-party system. 2. end corporate control of our politicians by 3. creating multi-party elections that are publicly funded.

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